About Us

About Us

United Way of Missoula County brings people together to identify problems and craft creative, lasting solutions that change lives and build a stronger community for everyone.

We work locally in Missoula County, and we also manage the Fund for Ravalli County, allowing donors to designate their gifts to the Bitterroot. Our Dolly Parton's Imagination Library serves children in Mineral County. Our staff and board of directors are available to answer your questions or to talk about our history and current work.

We focus on youth opportunityfinancial security, a healthy community, and community resilience because we believe these are the building blocks of a good life. Donations to United Way help to strengthen the fabric of our community through United Way's ability to find and implement innovative solutions to our community's most intractable problems. When we all come together to address homelessness, improve early childhood experiences, prevent suicide, and provide a safety net for our most vulnerable neighbors, we are fulfilling the dream of UNITING our community.

Check out our Annual Reports and 990s HERE.

Annual Reports and Financial Information
Commitment to Diversity
Mission and History
Staff and Board

What we’re up to

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Fostering physical, emotional, social and intellectual growth for Missoula’s youth.

Financial Stability

Removing obstacles and paving the way for hard working families to get ahead financially.


Working to ensure that everyone in Missoula has the tools they need to live a healthy life.