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Join us by helping out! Register your team, so you can be matched to a great volunteer project. Volunteer projects run morning 9-noon, afternoon 1-4, or all day 9-4. This year, we have a new, fun event to end the day: Volunteers end the day and celebrate with a happy hour in Bonner Park starting at 4. Have questions or need more information? Contact Salina Chatlain.
Teams of volunteers sign up to join this annual volunteer day. They generally request to help out for the morning (9-noon), afternoon (1-4 p.m.) or all day (9-4), and they have a wide variety of experience and skills--projects that don't require special skills generally work best. This year, we're having a happy hour to thank volunteers at end of the day: 4 p.m.
Thank you for making this day possible!
Want to help on a different day? Check out our ideas for other ways you can make difference where you live
Day of Action is a community wide day of hands-on volunteering. United Way of Missoula County connects volunteers from businesses with local nonprofit organizations and our own programs to complete various projects, such as painting, clean-up, yard work, etc.
United Way Day of Action demonstrates how volunteerism is vital to our community. It empowers people to work together to address some of the community’s most urgent needs. The event provides a firsthand look at the services offered in our community. The hands-on volunteer experiences provide excellent opportunities for employee team-building. It also spotlights United Way of Missoula County’s role in bringing volunteers together to advance the common good for all. Volunteer teams from local businesses that wish to participate in the Day of Action will be matched with projects submitted by our nonprofit partners.
Removing obstacles and paving the way for hard working families to get ahead financially.