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Welcome to our Campaign Center and THANK YOU for serving as your company’s United Way Ambassador! We appreciate the gifts of your time and talent and look forward to working with you to help make your workplace campaign a success! Please use these tools to help plan, prepare, and execute your campaign, or contact Erin Wilkins or Salina Chatlain for more ideas and assistance.
Pacesetter Campaigns are workplace campaigns that set the giving pace for other organizations by engaging their employees and leading the community in giving. Pacesetter Campaigns complete campaigns by the Thank You celebration in early December, reporting their results early to United Way. For more information about Pacesetter Campaigns or how to be a campaign pacesetter, you can contact Erin Wilkins or Salina Chatlain.
This fall, we're excited to continue offering you some tools for Virtual Campaigns! We're happy to offer more tools for a fully-digital campaign (including a company-specific giving portal and report), and in-person, paper resources, too--we can help you plan a custom campaign for your workplace!
United Way Sponsorship Guide
GEMs - Give Every Month Information
Salina Chatlain Development Manager, Salina@MissoulaUnitedWay.org or 406.549.6104
Erin Wilkins, Director of Development & Marketing, Erin@MissoulaUnitedWay.org or 406.549.6104
Removing obstacles and paving the way for hard working families to get ahead financially.